Financial Planning
TAN Wealth Management provides a comprehensive financial plan and hourly financial advice with actionable steps for you to start today.
Example questions you may have:
How should I plan effectively for retirement?
How much should I save for retirement?
When can I afford to retire?
What’s the best way to draw down retirement savings?
When is the best time for me to start collecting Social Security benefits?
Should I consider a Roth conversion for my retirement savings?
Which is more suitable for me: investing in a Traditional IRA or a Roth IRA?
How should I allocate and invest my money?
How should I diversify my investments?
What is my risk tolerance, and how should it influence my investment strategy?
Which investment types are best suited for my financial goals?
How can I reduce or eliminate my debt?
Should I consolidate my debts or pay them off individually?
What strategies can I use to reduce my tax liabilities?
Are there tax-efficient investment options available for me?
How much should I save for my child’s education?
What are the best savings plans for educational expenses?
How can I balance saving for education and other financial goals?
How can I ensure my assets are distributed according to my wishes?
What strategies can I use to reduce estate taxes?
What are the tax-efficient ways to pass my assets on to my heirs?
Do I have enough life insurance coverage?
Are there other types of insurance I need to consider (e.g., long-term care, disability)?
Is it better to buy a term life insurance policy and invest the difference, or should I opt for a permanent life insurance policy?
Can you help me select the right employee benefits package?
How should I financially prepare for marriage or divorce?
What financial steps should I take when having a child?
How can I plan for significant purchases, like buying a home?
Am I on track to meet my financial goals?
How can I improve my overall financial situation?
What budgeting strategies can help me manage my finances better?
Can you review my finances to ensure they align with my goals and objectives?
Asset Management
We have an institutional partnership with SEI Investments Company to assist us in managing clients’ assets. SEI Investments Company was founded in 1968 and traded on the NASDAQ as SEIC. SEI Investments Company has over $1 trillion of combined assets under management and assets under administration as of December 31, 2019. We have teamed up with SEI Investments Company because they have a disciplined, scientific, and time-tested approach to asset management.
Risk Management
Tan offers risk management through insurance products.
Permanent Life Insurance
Guaranteed Issue (Accidental/AD&D)
Guaranteed Issue (Individual Life)
High Early Cash Value
Indexed Universal Life
Simplified Issue (Individual Life)
Single Premium Indexed Universal Life
Single Premium Whole Life
Survivorship Indexed UL
Survivorship Universal Life
Survivorship Whole Life
Universal Life
Whole Life - Interest Sensitive/Non-Participating
Whole Life - Participating
Term Life Insurance
1 Year Term
5 Year Term
10 Year Term
15 Year Term
20 Year Term
25 Year Term
30 Year Term
Return of Premium Term
Survivorship Term
Fixed Annuities
Fixed Index Annuities
Group Annuities
Rated Age Annuities
Single Premium Immediate Annuities
Structured Settlement Annuities
412(i) Plan
Accelerated Underwriting Programs
Disability Insurance
Funeral Trust
Health Insurance
Loan Rescue
Long Term Care Insurance
Nonmedical Underwriting Programs
Premium Financing
Worksite Solutions